I am a Jesuit priest of the USA East Province who has an avocation of binding art and creativity to spirituality. I have a SoWa (South End) studio in Boston and I give retreats and spiritual direction using creative techniques to make a person's Ignatian prayer particular and unique. Ignatian Spirituality is the cornerstone of my work; art, poetry, prose is a way to help us get to the heart of conversations in prayer.
Daily Emails
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
3 Tuesdays, 1 Monday –
January 10, 17, 23, 31
5:45pm -7:15pm
The Paulist Center, 5 Park St, Boston (Auditorium)
and yoga have gone mainstream and courses are available at many fitness or
health centers. What distinguishes this one is that both are taught in a
Christian context with an eye towards helping participants realize a positive integration of these practices in
their Christian prayer life and spirituality. In addition to other benefits
like becoming calm, relaxed, and centered, meditation (prayer of the heart) and
yoga (prayer of the body) offer a way
into an encounter with God in inner quietude. You’ll go home from your workday
unusually relaxed and peaceful!
Participants will learn the basics
of Christian meditation/centering prayer, a range of yoga postures, and yoga
posture-flows to songprayers. No experience required. The invitation is to
a refreshing and powerful way of praying with the whole of your being: body,
mind, heart and spirit.
Wear light, comfortable clothing. If you have
a mat, bring it; if not, there are some mats available.
Fr. Thomas Ryan, CSP, a certified yoga instructor and author of numerous books
on spirituality, including Prayer of Heart and Body: Meditation and Yoga as
Christian Spiritual Practice, and the DVD Yoga Prayer.
$48 Students: $24
If there is one or more sessions you know you cannot make,
subtract $12 ($6 for students) for each
and indicate your absent dates on the bottom of the form below.
Registration Deadline: Friday,
January 6
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fill out the form below and mail with a check made
out to: Paulist Center
to: PHB Series,
Paulist Center, 5 Park St, Boston, MA 02108
Name __________________________________ Phone # _______________________
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The Week of Christian Unity
Information Sheet: Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity 2017
Experience: Joy in discovering the
Lord who is present in all Christians, making us brothers and sisters.
Evangelization: We lift up Jesus, and He draws all to
himself- and draws us closer to Him. That is how we are drawn closer together.
World-Wide Theme: Reconciliation:“The Love of Christ
Compels Us” (2 Cor. 5:14-20) – To Reconcile and To Witness
Origin: The Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity has existed for a century and is present worldwide. UniteBoston is coordinating a week-long
series of events, of which this is the Saturday component hosted by the Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, assisted by the Institute for Christian Unity and
co-sponsored by over twenty ministries.
This is the first time that the full spectrum of Christian families
(Catholic, Evangelical, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Oriental Orthodox,
Mainline, Black Churches, Asian Churches) in the region will gather
specifically in dedication to the unity Jesus prayed for (John 17:21).
Jan 21 Event Purpose: Create an Anchor Event for a Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity that:
· Enlivens individual relationships with
· Builds bonds among Christians,
· Bears fruit in service and testimony
for the Greater Boston area, and
· Starts an ongoing prayer cycle drawing
on the whole People of God to pray for unity and evangelization- “that the
world may believe.”
Luncheon (Free for Youth/Young Adults)
12:45 Workshops
on Christian Unity And—
--Worldwide Persecution; --Interchurch Families; --Racial Reconciliation; --500th
Anniversary of the Reformation; --Experiencing Jesus in Each Other; --Life
Discernment; --Scripture/Theology; --Spiritual Life
(1:40 pm
Clergy vest for Liturgy of the Word. Vesting in lower church to process into
upper church. Vestment color is white. Alb and stole, or whatever is
appropriate vestment for your tradition.)
2:00 pm
Worship and Blessing Service for the Worldwide Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity: “Closer to God, Closer to Each Other”
Protestant, Evangelical, Catholic, Pentecostal Leaders
3:00 pm
Mission and Volunteering Opportunity Fair and Reception
Location and Parking: Saturday January 21, Holy Name Parish,
1689 Centre St. West Roxbury, MA 02132. 617-325-4865. Bellevue on the Commuter
Rail; Forest Hills 38 Wren St to Centre on the T. Ample parking available.
Contact: Vito_Nicastro@rcab.org 617-435-0019;
Many Thanks to Bishop Arthur Kennedy, Ph.D., Director, Office for Ecumenical
and Interreligious Affairs, R.C. Archdiocese of Boston
Themes: Closer to Jesus, Closer to Each
Other; Stronger Witness/Love we are compelled to share; Solidarity with the
persecuted church/Ecumenism of Blood; Diversity in the Body and Racial
Reconciliation; On the 500th Reconciliation; Youth, Service and
Mission; Interchurch Families; Worldwide Connection; Prayer; Gratitude for
Witness together (E.g. Q4)
among Christians is the greatest obstacle to Evangelization.” – Pope Francis,
March 24, 2014
Only full unity between us is enough. Only full unity is
true to the nature of the Triune God as one, as love, as communion. Only full unity obeys the will of Jesus, and
therefore loves Him. Only full unity is the goal set by our churches’
teachings. Only full unity honors the bond of our Baptism and eternal relation
in Christ. Only full unity is coherent with the message of the Gospel of
reconciliation. Only full unity empowers our compassion and unfetters our
Partners: UniteBoston, Institute for Christian
Unity, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Black Ministerial Alliance, Glory
of God in New England/Glory of God on Cape Cod, Emmanuel Gospel Center,
Congregación León de Judá, The Paulist Center, Grace Chapel, Greek Orthodox
Metropolis of Boston, Community of Sant’Egidio, Lord’s Day Alliance,
InterVarsity New England, Massachusetts Council of Churches, Massachusetts
Family Institute, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New England, Park Street Church,
E-NetNewEngland, Focolare, Alpha New England, Armenian Churches of Watertown, COPANHI-
Fellowship of Latino Pastors of New England,
Intended Ongoing Fruitfulness: This is not a one-time event. This
is a catalyst event, designed to ignite something ongoing within one of the
widest and oldest prayer movements on earth. January 21, together with the
whole week-long series in Boston, aims to:
· Lift up the name of Jesus,
· Show the diversity in the Body of
· Speak a united word of joyful witness
to the City;
· Show love for our community;
· Start an ongoing annual gathering of
the whole Body of Christ, to be ministered to by God, experience their
relationship with Jesus and how it bonds each of us to all the others, hear how
we can witness to the world, and channel that into mission and service;
· Bless and mobilize InterChurch
· Advance racial reconciliation;
· Help ignite an ongoing prayer from the
whole People of God for unity and evangelization- “That they may be one...so
that the world may believe.”- John 17:21
· Increase Evangelization;
· Bring new people and youth to know and
participate in the partner organizations;
· Create lasting connections between
campus ministries and Christian unity ministries,
an ongoing prayer movement which knits the Body of Christ in New England
together more closely and also gives a boost each year to ongoing work for
Christian unity in all these areas.
and connect to the persecuted church
content to the commemoration of the 500 years since the Reformation
Kindly let us know
approximately how many people you will bring- Please RSVP to
Would your church
like to co-sponsor?
If you are bringing more than ten people, would you like to set up a table to introduce
yourselves to the wider Christian community and have people sign up to support
your efforts? Bring tablecover, pamphlets, literature, sign, food, drink
as you wish.
Would you like to
support the resources for the event?
Would you like to
send volunteers for one of the Ministry Teams: Prayer Support, Publicity,
Campus Liasons, Logistics, Workshops, Welcoming, Worship and Music, InterChurch
Would you like to
have people in national garb in the entrance procession (Procession Seating)?
Names of clergy
processing?(Clergy Seating)
(1:30 pm
Clergy vest for Liturgy of the Word. Vesting in lower church to process into
upper church. Vestment color is white. Alb and stole, or whatever is
appropriate vestment for your tradition.)
Other Events in the
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:
· Wed Jan 18: 7pm
at River of Life Church, 440 Centre Street, Boston MA 02130
· Jamaica Plain Churches,
including River of Life Church, Heart Change Fellowship, Bethel AME Church, and
the Community of St. Egidio
· Thurs Jan 19: 7pm at St. Mary Orthodox Church, 8 Inman Street,
Cambridge MA 02139
· Orthodox Churches,
including the Coptic Orthodox Church of Boston and St. Mary’s Orthodox Church
· Fri Jan 20: 7pm at Congregation Lion of Judah, 20 Reed
Street, Boston MA 02128
· Pabellon de la Fe
Church, Congregation Lion of Judah, and churches involved with Bless the City
· Sat Jan 21: 12 to 4pm at Holy Name Church, 1689 Centre Street,
West Roxbury MA 02132
· Theme: “The Love of Christ
Compels Us: To Witness and to Reconcile” Joint Ecumenical Gathering, hosted by the Archdiocese of
Boston and many local partners – Facebook event link
· Sun Jan 22: 8pm
at MIT Chapel, 48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA 02139
· Taize prayer in the MIT
Chapel, including MIT Lutheran/Episcopal Ministry
· Mon Jan 23: 7pm at Symphony Church, 971 Commonwealth Ave (3rd
floor), Boston MA 02215
· Brookline/Brighton
churches, including Symphony Church, City Church, and Abundant Grace Church
· Tues Jan 24: 7pm at the Paulist Center, 5 Park Street, Boston
MA 02108
· Catholic/Lutheran joint
gathering, including the Paulist Center and University Lutheran
· Wed Jan 25: 5:45pm at Trinity Church, 206 Clarendon Street,
Boston MA 02116
· Episcopal
Boston/Cambridge Mission Hub gathering, including Trinity Church, Church of the
Advent, and others
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