Daily Emails


Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Frost

This morning saw the first frost in northern Massachusetts. This means Indian summer can now occur and I think we will have it tomorrow when the temperatures will reach into the low 70's. It is unusual that we had snow before the first frost, but in Gloucester we were untouched by the snows that fell a week ago.

Yesterday, I took a chance and planted a number of spring bulbs. It is very late in the season to do it but the soil is still warm and wet so they may have a chance. I normally would not try it at this late point in the year, but we just had some major stumps removed from the two new flowerbeds that it gave me an opportunity to quickly plant them in the loose soil. Planting in the future will be much easier because those stumps are gone.

Most of my week was dedicated to digging up roots. I extracted at least  16 of them. The lawn will be much easier to mow next year because it will be so smooth. The funny thing is that I can't show anyone the results of my work because what I do is no longer there. I tell them I do invisible work. I removed what shouldn't be in place so when they look, they don't see anything except a land that looks as it ought to be.

Yesterday, two friends from the Spain pilgrimage came for a visit. They brought their shitzu, Pedro, and two dogs they were pet-sitting. They enjoyed racing over the expansive tracks of the retreat house. They tired themselves quickly. It was good to see Joe and Jeanne again. They are such kind people.

Three friends from Australia visited. I gave them a tour of the house and property and then attended Mass before dinner. We had a lovely visit with them. The community remarked that they had one of the happiest dinners in a long time. It was relaxed because none of the community was on the retreat team. The spirit was fun and free. We enjoyed each other.

We are gearing up for our concerts. Our first one is in three weeks; the second is in five weeks. We will be ready.


  1. Where are all the warm hearts in Gloucester to keep the frost away?

  2. Well, it has warmed up 25 degrees since morning. A bunch of neat retreatants just left after a hearty brunch.
