Daily Emails


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finally, Rain

Finally, we have a solid day of rain to replenish a parched land. Spring flowers are vibrant, but they have had to draw on their own reserves to do so well with only one day of rain in April. With warm weather on the horizon, the gardens and forest saplings will sprout in just a few days. Buds will open and blossoms will fall off producing a fresh green that signifies hope.

The other night I attended a Rockport Shalin Liu concert. The stage windows were opened to capture the setting sun in back of the performers. The Honors Youth Chorus performed spring songs with their conductor, Sonja Dahlgren Pryor. The youth sing with their older counterparts, Chorus North Shore, during Christmas concerts.

I am grateful that these children have this experience of singing and performing. These experience give them great poise and confidence. Many children performed solos with a haunting one by a thirteen year old male who brought tears to the eyes of many. He sang about sea travels and missing home. A female soloist sang the soprano lead on Laudate Dominum with elegance. The music ranged from classical to folk to nursery rhymes.

The Chorus North Shore celebrates their 80th anniversary this week. Sunny Pryor has been with the chorus since 1962 - for 50 years. We are preparing for our June 2nd concert that features Verdi's Requiem. We are practicing hard and enjoying our weekly progress.

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