Daily Emails


Monday, August 8, 2011

A Plague of Frogs

July's weather was terrific with lots of warmth and sunshine and very little rain. As we headed into August, the streak continued but it became apparent that we needed rain to water the lawns and turn the brown grass green once again. The land is parched like a dry and weary land. Yesterday's rains were a needed salve to bolster the struggling plants.

One unexpected result was a plague of frogs that came out of the pond onto the roads and lawns with the day's moistness. As I traveled the mile plus long road to get to the retreat house, I stopped very often to let the frogs pass. Some of these just sat there and I had to keep going. I hope I did not squash many of them. They were everywhere. We were being overrun. Some were huge and many were still youngsters, but it was as if they broke out of prison and did not know what to do with their freedom. What a sight.

Additionally, the sun is setting so much earlier. While the days are still hot and humid, summer is at its end. It seems like it was just beginning. It is like having a good friend come for a visit. Before you know it, he or she has to leave and you don't want the time to pass so quickly. Alas, the cycle of this world continues - whether we are ready or not.

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