Daily Emails


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kind of Easter Sunday?

     Churches were packed this weekend for Good Friday and Easter services, even though we were celebrating the Second Sunday of Lent. I guess I shouldn't have to worry about informing the people of the goings' on with the schedule because it won't matter to them until it is real. It teaches me not to work too hard. Even the most attentive people at mass still wished me a happy Easter! Oh well. What more can I do?

     It kind of did feel like Easter. Everyone was happy and everything felt good. This evening I took a walk through Doqulieah Circle and everyone seemed to be milling about and in good spirits. The people walk like they drive. They drive as sheep meander. This man about 75 abruptly turned into me. One of his hands clasped my hands, the other went around my waist; the only thing left for me to do was to dance with him as we were caught in that pose. He roared hysterically and then began his own dance. Everyone else brightened up and chuckled at the old man.

     I put my IPod into a shuffle mode. I have a blend of classic rock, liturgical tunes, and classical music. To my surprise, in this random shuffle mode, I listened to eight tracks of Handel's Messiah - all from the second volume. I reckoned this was God's way of giving me the Resurrection. What a surprise!

     Oh, yes, Internet has been slow in the Middle East because divers in Egypt who were searching for hidden treasures cut a main underwater internet cable.

    I Skyped my family today and I was pleased to see that my mother was going out for dinner before she celebrates the evening meal with my sister's family. At eight in the morning, she was all set to go. Going over schedules for the week as a childhood friend, who now lives in Germany, will visit Amman.


  1. I was doing an abbreviated form of the Exercises, starting before Lent, and finishing the Fourth Week as the vigil Mass for Palm Sunday began. It's been odd being slightly out of kilter with the liturgical year, it's been like switching seats in church, after years in the same spot.

  2. Liturgically, it is confusing when people wish you happy Easter in the middle of Lent; however, we are an Easter people with a risen Lord so, in one way, it is appropriate at any time.

    Enjoy the visit with your friend.

    1. The Resurrection happened over 2,000 years ago. We celebrate and commemorate with the Lord while he brings those events back to life again.
