I am a Jesuit priest of the USA East Province who has an avocation of binding art and creativity to spirituality. I have a SoWa (South End) studio in Boston and I give retreats and spiritual direction using creative techniques to make a person's Ignatian prayer particular and unique. Ignatian Spirituality is the cornerstone of my work; art, poetry, prose is a way to help us get to the heart of conversations in prayer.
Daily Emails
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sal Y Luz del Mundo
Queridos Colegas, Amigos y Compañeros,
Este, ha sido un año marcado por eventos que ninguno de nosotros se imaginó. Sumidos en una
pandemia brutal que ha afectado la vida de millones de personas en este país y en el mundo, hemos
también enfrentado una crisis social motivada por la discriminación y el racismo. Y al mismo tiempo,
nos acercamos a unas elecciones fundamentales para el futuro de los Estados Unidos.
Nuestra tradición ignaciana nos invita a mirar al mundo y a discernir cómo trabajar para la mayor
gloria de Dios. Somos hombres y mujeres para los demás, llamados a, en todo amar y servir. Nuestra
misión es el servicio de la fe y la promoción de la justicia, con un especial llamado a poner nuestros
esfuerzos en la reconciliación.
El Evangelio, además, nos recuerda constantemente que somos la sal y la luz del mundo. Jesucristo,
a quién deseamos conocer y amar cada vez más, invita hoy día a mirar a nuestro alrededor y
preguntarnos… ¿Qué debemos hacer para cuidar del mundo, ser su sal y luz?
Es crucial que, como familia ignaciana nos reunamos y oremos sin cesar por nuestra misión y por
nuestro país. La oración es clave para sostener y enriquecer nuestra misión y vocación. Por lo tanto,
queremos invitarles, junto a miembros de la comunidad ignaciana de todo el país, a una Vigilia por la
Paz, la Reconciliación y la Justicia el próximo jueves 29 de octubre a las 7:30 pm.
El objetivo de este encuentro de oración, organizado por las Comunidades Hispanas Ignacianas de la
Oficina de Espiritualidad Ignaciana de la Provincia del Este de los Estados Unidos, es unirnos desde
distintos lugares del país y rezar por nosotros y por el país, sobre todo antes de las elecciones.
La Vigilia, de no más de 40 minutos de duración, será transmitida en vivo por YouTube, sin necesidad
de descargar ningún tipo de aplicación para el teléfono, la tableta o el computador. No vamos a
exigir inscripción previa, sin embargo, por favor inviten a miembros de sus comunidades o
instituciones al siguiente sitio web www.salyluzdelmundo.com donde encontrarán toda la
información necesaria.
En Cristo, nuestro Amigo, Hermano y Señor,
Carlos Aedo Zandra Schiemann
Director de Ministerios Hispanos Coordinadora de Ministerios Hispanos
Oficina de Espiritualidad Ignaciana Oficina de Espiritualidad Ignaciana
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Dara is maintaining
Dara has been home now for a month and she and her boyfriend are settling into a routine. There has been an adjustment as they are trying to set up a proper schedule for home aid and visiting nurses. She is sleeping very well and is sitting in the sofa or in her wheelchair most of the day, which causes her some body aches and strains. She is eating well and staying hydrated. She follows all the news on TV and is quick sharp, with excellent hearing. She appreciates all the attention and work of her boyfriend to make life comfortable and pleasant for her.
Dara at times speak well. When she has energy and speaks loudly, she is audible, but a lot of times she mumbles and speaks softly. Sometimes people do not call her because they get uncomfortable when they realize they cannot understand her. There is a way of asking questions to her so that you can know the direction of her speech. She actually has a lot to say.
Friday, October 2nd is our oldest sibling's birthday, though she has returned to God. She and Dara were close in age and the last time we spoke, we talked of the times they Trick or Treated together. Dawn Mari would get excited about all the candy and her excitement as contagious because it was so raw and so natural. Dara's favorite holiday in Halloween. A few weeks ago, I sent some Halloween lights, decorations, and a table runner, and a gnome. I just sent two more gnomes that should arrive on Dawn Mari's birthday. I'm sure it will surprise her. These were gifts from a good friend who works for the Boston Red Sox, and they are two gnomish Red Sox players. We make each day of our happiness. Happiness is something we have to choose each day. When we share in someone's suffering or do something to make the day lighter, we realize how much joy it brings us. I'm grateful for the friends and loved ones who support my sister and one another. There is a great deal of goodwill in this world, and when we remember that goodwill and offer it to God, something remarkable happens.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Patricia Pilette-
NOTICING Expanding our quiet to hear God’s whisper Giving ourselves permission to imagine Not asking how - just being present. Sifting through gratitude Hoping to find the miracles that slipped by Unnoticed, not forgotten, in everyday time. Being attentive, welcoming the gifts, Embracing the ever-present Giver Dwelling patiently in our midst. Pulling us back with His grace From everywhere we’ve traveled in haste To the one constant in our ever-changing earthly place.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Beth Cioffoletti

Bonnie Beaudet

The clouds are artists.
Their brushes sweep with abandon.
across the blue sky
Martha Schieve
2.The rings of the years of growth, visible
in the hued tree are evidence.
3.Protecting and feeding the years of
4. Fountain, wellsprings of living love.
5. Leading to Jesus, my waiting savior.
6. I am found.
Andrea Storm Barkus
Roses appear often—do you notice them? Whether you’ve heard of
Lisieux’s precious Therese or not, they fall—
This one in the kitchen sink today—
refuse of a peeled radish
Natalie Haskell
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Virginia Enbody
Yes, Lord
Stilled I
Whatcha up to?
Be still...
Stilled II
Got a ticket to ride
What’s love got to with it?
M. Sobie
The aged reed bows to the Autumn wind to join in and delight in the dance
Knowing full well that Winter is coming soon and does not want to waltz
Please do not tell me I don't belong here.
I am far too lovely to threaten your stony sidewalk structures.
I want to live, to grow, to thrive.

Oh Neighbor tree, you have lost your coat to the hungry.
Your soul has been laid bare.
You stand in front of me
Proud to be humble.