Daily Emails


Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Little Blue

A grueling weekend has ended and I'm feeling accomplished, but all I did was to say Mass. I have two extra ones this week - the Sri Lankan Mass for young Aldrik and the Filipino run-away shelter. Both were very consoling.

I was very happy to see so many representatives from the British Embassy attend Aldrik's funeral Mass. The church was full. We also dedicated the Mass in his honor on Saturday afternoon with a reception following it. His poor mother is heart-broken.

The run-away shelter Mass was quite good. It was grass-roots authentic and though it was very sad, it was also joyous. Most of the women at the shelter are new faces, which is good to see because that means the old faces returned hope. Some may have run away, but I think most have gone home.

The music class was very good this week. The students are really beginning to understand the concepts and I can tell they are practicing at home. I'm so proud of them. It makes my heart feel very light.

It has been a long week. The entire summer has given us an upset schedule. With so much dust from renovation work on the Jesuit Center's interior and exterior, this week should see some of that dust settling. In three weeks, I'll be able to settle into my room again, but mercifully the banging and sawing sounds have stopped. I'll be able to breathe the normal air pollution once again.

My legs feel rubbery. After Mass tonight, I returned home but before I went back to my computer to do some work, I fixed a healthy salad and a yogurt, cleaned out the refrigerator, and diced up some chicken for chicken salad tomorrow.

It was at this point that the thought of Blue entered into my mind. Amazingly, we discovered this bottle of Blue when we were beginning renovations. It was used as a doorstop of all things. It needed to be put to a different use and tonight a celebration was in order. So, I poured a little bit of Johnny Walker Blue and headed up to our roof deck to watch the sun, which is setting far too early. Ah, what a nice sip. I thanked God for the end of the weekend and we just sat and mellowed together. I thought about playing music, but the silence seems more fitting. Life is quite good.

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